Grilled cod fish with vegetables....
Haricots verts et carottes apportent a ce plat nombre de composants protecteurs (beta-carotene, folates et vitamine C) ainsi que fibres et mineraux.
Green beans and carrots are a source of many healthful things (beta carotine, folic acid and vitamin C) and also a good source of fiber and minerals.
Pour 4 personnes.
For 4 people.
Prep. 10 min. * Cuisson 18 min.
Pre time 10 min. * Cooking time 18 min,
4 carrottes moyennes en batonnets de 6 cm x 5 mm
4 medium carrots cut into spears 2.5 in x 1/4 in
300 g de haricots verts fins equeutes
3/4 lb green beans destemmed
100 g de pin d'epice rassis
1/4 lb dry spice cake loaf
1 cuill. a soupe de sauce de soja
1 tablespoon soya sauce
2 cuill. a soupe de moutarde
2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
40 g de beurre
1/8 lb of butter
2 dos de Cabillaud de 300 g en 2 troncons
2 pieces of Cod, each weighing 1/2 lb
1 cuill. a soupe d'huile d'olive
1 tablespoon of olive oil
sel, poivre
salt & pepper to taste
1) Faites cuire 10 min les carottes dan le compartiment perfore d'un cuit-vapeur et 12 min les haricots verts dans de l'eau bouillantes salee.
1) Cook the carrots for 10 minutes in a steamer and the green beans for 12 minutes in salted, boiling water.
2) Allumez le gril du four. Emiettez le pain d'epice et passez-le au robot pour le reduire en chapelure. Ajoutez sauce de soja, moutarde ete beurre. Essuyez les dos de Cabillaud, salez-les et poivrez-les. Posez-les cote a cote dans un plat supportant le chaleur du gril. Glissez le poisson 10 cm de la source de chaleur et laissez-le cuire 3 min. Retournez-le, recouvrez-le avec le melange au pain d'epice et refaites le cuire 3 min.
2) Turn the oven on to 400F . Cut the spice cake into small chunks and pass through a food processor to further reduce the size to the consistency of bread crumbs. Blend the soya sauce, mustard and butter together with the spice cake crumbs. Dry the pieces of Cod with a paper towel and add salt and pepper and place them side by side in the grilling pan. Ensure that the fish is no more than 4 inches from the grill and cook for 3 minutes. After three minutes turn it over covering it again with the spice mixture and cook for 3 more minutes.
3) Deposez les haricots egouttes et les carottes sur les asiettes. Arrosez-les avec l'huile. Posez le poisson dessus.
3) Place the dried beans and carrots on the plate. Dash with olive oil. Place the fish serving on top of the vegetables.
Serve with a nice crisp Sauvignon Blanc! Bon Appetit!
I love cod fish and that looks a lot healthier than what I am used to.If you want more grilling recipes or if you want to take a look at the collection of tips I have for grilling you can visit